Top 15 Things You Forget To Pack

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Ever wondered what the top things are you forget to pack? Well, I haven’t done an official survey or anything like that but I sure can guess based on my own experiences. Unsurprisingly, a lot of them are secondary items that don’t seem quite as essential to the trip, but are actually super important. Things like passports, chargers and pajamas.

I’m hoping seeing this list can help remind you of things to remember to pack on your next holiday. Or if you’re not sure you needed them anyway, hopefully I can show why yes, you do need that pair of tweezers if you like to buy family sized crisps while traveling.

Here are my top 15 most forgotten items to pack for travel.

1. First Aid Kit

A small first aid kit is often forgotten as no one really plans to get sick, so its not front of mind. Whether it be a full first aid kit or just a few sachets of hydration powder, if you become unwell on a trip having something already packed can be a massive help.

I remember suffering from bad sunburn one night in Caye Caulker, Belize and by the time it got bad, it was too late at night for anything to be open. My friend and I managed to find some Gatorade, but rehydration powder would have been a life safer.

I’d recommend packing some panadol or ibuprofen, some rehydration medicine and something to help with an upset stomach. If you’re going somewhere cold, some cold and flu medication would be helpful, while if you’re prone to sea sickness, sea sickness pills are a must.

You can definitely buy these on arrival, but having a small stash can be invaluable if you get sick at a time when stores are closed.

2. Cash in the Local Currency

You have everything packed but when you get to the airport the only food available is places that take cash? While most western countries take eftpos payment, other places may be prominently cash based.

I’d recommend exchanging a small amount of cash before your trip – less than USD100 worth of local currency to make sure your covered in case you need it. Worst case, you can often get cash out at the airport although this normal comes with a less favourable conversion rate and a fee for using the machine.

If you’re going to a destination that is heavily cash based, I’d recommend exchanging USD300-400 before you fly out. May as well make use of better exchange rates while you can. Please note: some countries have rules about bringing cash in so make sure you do your research beforehand.

3. Headphones

I find everytime I need my headphones on a trip I either forget them, loose them on said trip, or break them. And everytime I curse myself for either not bringing a back up or forgetting to bring them to begin with.

Headphones can make travel days so much easier, especially if you are traveling alone. However they’re not one of the more important things you think about when packing for a trip, so they’re easily forgotten.

If you are anything like me I’d recommend packing a main pair and a backup.

4. Tweezers

Not so important on a short trip, but for longer holidays you’ll love having one of these in your toiletries bag. Its not something you’d initially think of bringing, so is often one of the more common things you forget to pack.

Tweezers can be invaluable for different reasons, but mostly for personal grooming and incase you get a splinter. As a bonus: Tweezers can also be use to hold together half open bags of crisps and as a bookmark.

5. Underwear

While you diligently plan your packing list with all the outfits and shoes you want, sometimes you can forget the basics. You might get caught up in making sure you pack a winter jacket, only to get to Malaysia and find you forgot the most important clothing item of all. Noone want to be stuck wearing the same pair of underwear, so make sure you add a decent amount to your luggage.

So what if you have forgot your underwear? In most places you should have no issue buying some. If you’re struggling to find a store, you can ask your hotel / hostel receptionist for one (a store, not the underwear). You may encounter issues if you are a larger person in Asia, but apart from that you should be fine.

6. Sim Card Ejector

I never remember to keep mine in real life, let alone take it on my travels. However if you are like me and get a simcard on arrival in a country, it can be super handy to have a sim card ejector. This is one of the most common things I forget to pack for a vacation when going abroad.

Since I always forget mine, I normally ask (or mime if the employee doesn’t speak English) for them to remove the card for me. As most of the time they will have one in the store. However, it can be tricky on arrival back home if you need to switch the sim card back over at the airport.

 A good tip is if all else fails, try using your earing. Normally the pin is small enough that it will fit inside the hole in your phone. Alternatively, if there’s a phone store in the airport they will probably help you out if you ask nicely.

7. Passport

Okay, so mine is covered in cat hair XD

Oh, the nightmares I have about forgetting my passport. Its one of those things where you have everything packed away, but there’s still a nagging voice in your head asking ‘what have I forgetting to pack?’

When I was younger I flew as an UM (unaccompanied minor) every so often and I remember one time my mum forgot my passport. Luckily my mum is as anal about being early as I am, so we easily were able to go back and get it, but the trauma lives on.

Its part of the reason I like to get to airports so early. And actually its not too hard to forget your passport, especially if you’re focused on all the other things you have to pack. Passports are the number one thing not to forget while traveling internationally, because without them you’re not getting on the plane.

Personally, I like to write everything down that I’m packing and check it off as I put it in the bag. Passport and other important items included. I’ve found this lessens the chance you’ll forget something important like the one thing you really need to get out of the country.

8. Chargers

Whether its your phone, laptop or camera charger, it can often be forgotten as its not the central thing you’re packing. You can be so focused on packing your camera and all your lenses, batteries and filters but then completely blank on the fact you need to bring your charger. So chargers are definitely one of things everyone forgets to pack.

Phone chargers are a lot easier to buy on location, especially if you have one of the more popular brands. However it can be really hard to get laptop chargers. Camera chargers can be hit or miss, but you’ll probably end up paying a higher price while overseas.

If it happens to you its a good idea is to ask you hotel / hostel receptionist about the best place to buy a replacement. In Asia I always had the best luck at technologies markets, which I had never really heard of before. In other countries, you may be stuck buying something pricy at a department store though.

9. Laundry Bag

For a trip over a couple days, a laundry bag can be invaluable, and is often something you’ll forget to pack. A laundry bag can be a godsend in helping to separate the dirty from the clean. This can keep your fresh clothes smelling nice, and also stopping your suitcase or backpack from smelling in general.

I personally use the humble plastic bag rather than a proper laundry bag. A plasic bag does the job just as well, just make sure you tie it up properly. Alternatively you can bet an actual laundry bag. It doesn’t have to be big, just large enough to hold however many days worth of clothes you’ll have before you’re able to wash them next.

I would not recommend keeping dirty laundry in your luggage for weeks, but it can easily be used for a few days. Most hotels and hostels will have a laundry service that (hopefully) doesn’t cost too much. Oh, and don’t forget to air the laundry bag out while the clothes are being washed, so you’re all set for round two.

10. Toothbrush + Toothpaste

Fun fact, the time you decide to leave your toothpaste at home is the time your hotels will just so happen not to provide them. I call it Lexi’s law. The same thing happens with shampoo.

So, with this very well research conclusion don’t forget to pack your toothpaste and toothbrush. If you can get travel sized toothpaste – great. Otherwise just bring your normal toothpaste. Wrap a bag around it if the lid doesn’t close. Enjoy a holiday with minty fresh breath.

11. Sunglasses

Sunglasses can be easily forgotten, as they’re a smaller item. In fact, you may even wear them out the door and then accidentally leave them somewhere before you hop on the plane. Who hasn’t done that?

Sunglasses are a great thing to bring on holiday though, so worth trying to remember to pack. They’re perfect for sunny days and for walking down the street with social anxiety.

12. Deodorant

Deodorant is often forgotten from packing lists due to being something you’d pack last minute. Even if you don’t forget about it early on, you’ll probably leave it out so you can use it before you leave. I’ve definitely been guilty of this.

Luckily deodorant is everywhere. You’ll find it on the shelves at the 7/11 in Toyko, the markets in Kuala Lumpur and the grocery store in Berlin. So its pretty low stakes when it comes to remembering to pack it. Still, its great to not forget about it cause it’ll help you smell so much nicer after a red eye.

13. Wet Weather Gear

Getting rained on is unpleasant, but do you know what is even less fun?

Getting rained on without an umbrella, poncho or rain jacket.

There’s something about your hair sticking to your face, clothing clinging to your arms, or water dripping on your nose which can be a massive pain. However rain gear is often forgotten when going on holiday. Alternatively, you may not check the weather and even realise you’re walking into the rainy season.

I recommend always bringing a cheap rain poncho or any trip. These ponchos come in tiny packaging so they don’t take up a lot of space in your luggage. A light weight rain jacket is another good idea, but can take up more space.

As I mention elsewhere, write yourself a checklist beforehand. Or even better, use one of the packing lists on my website to start you off. But in general, make sure you check the weather forecast and get some sort of rain protection into your suitcase early so you don’t forget.

14. Travel Adapter

I’d say travel adapters are one of the more important things not to forget to pack when flying overseas, but it can be easy to forget a travel adapter. Despite this, travel adapters are super important for international trips. Without one, it doesn’t matter if you forget to pack your chargers, you wont have any way to charge them!

If you realised you’ve forgotten one on arrival in the country, at the airport, you’ll probably be fine as most airports have shops selling these. Likewise in super touristy areas, there will probably be shops selling them.

15. PJs

Pajamas are a key thing to remember to pack for a vacation. I think its because what to wear to bed is the last thing on your mind when you’re thinking about all the things you can do on a trip. Like, who wants to think about what to sleep in when you’ll be spending your days exploring ancient cities?

If you do forget pajamas you may have to designate an item as your new sleepwear. Another option is buying some cheap PJs or something comfortable at a shop on arrival. I wouldn’t recommend sleeping in what you wore that day unless you have no other option. If you’ve been walking around all day in the heat you’d want to change into something fresh.

So, remember this list next time you’re packing for a trip and wondering if you’ve forgotten anything. May your holidays be full of toothpaste, charged appliances and underwear. And of course, check out our packing lists as I add a new one every time I visit a new destination.


Stylish Packing Lists

Stylish Packing Lists for Travelers

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